Etheruko Championship


In preparation for the invasion of the Undead and Outlaws, the Etherukos regularly practice combat and hold high-reward battle tournament, Etheruko Championship. This is one of the biggest events in New Tokyo.

In this PVP game, all Etherukos of the universe can participate and compete. This game is real-time PvP for 2~8 users. Each game duration lasts 2 mins. The tournament gives a big prize. And the winner advances to the next round and gets an opportunity for a bigger prize.

How to play


more than one Etheruko NFTs

Play Flow

  1. Decide who's first

  2. Defense phase

  3. Attack phase

  4. Change the order of attack and defense

Decide who's first

  1. Each player rolls 6-sided dice

  2. The player with the higher number takes the attack phase, and the player with a lower number takes the defense phase.

  3. The game proceeds from the defense phase to the attack phase.

Defend Phase

  1. Roll five defense dice.

  2. The five dice are placed in order from top to bottom.

Attack Phase

  1. Roll four attack dice and one superpower dice. Each dice's value is set from D1 to D5.

  2. Add attacking Etheruko's attack stat to D1 to D4 above values.⠀⠀

  3. Add attacking Etheruko's superpower stat to values of D5 above.

  4. Within 10 seconds attacker can make the order of attack by sorting D1 to D5 results. Since only the attack value greater than the defense value is a valid hit, consider your dice order strategically.

  5. Some defensive superpowers can deceive the displayed number or enhance the defensive ability, so a strategy play is required rather than simply placing a high number.

Damage Calculation

  1. Compare each side's dice value by order. Assume that five attacks to five defenses.

  2. Consider each attack-defense pair. The hit is valid if the attacking value exceeds the defensive value.

  3. If the hit is valid, Damage = (Attack dice value + Attacking Etheruko's offense) - (Defense dice value + Defending Etheruko's defense) And the defender's HP reduces by the amount of damage.


  1. The first one who makes the opponent's HP to 0.

  2. After ten turns end, the higher HP player is the winner.

Game Result

  1. The winner takes a small amount of $ETHERU.

  2. The winner advances to the next tournament round.

  3. The loser takes a tiny amount of $ETHERU.

  4. The loser is eliminated from the tournament.

Gaming Stats

  • Grade: Higher grade is given a higher stats value. The base dice value gets higher.

  • Attack: Add damage to the base attack value.

  • Defense: Reduce incoming attack damage.

  • Superpower: Remarkable unique ability that is superior to normal ability. Eg. an electricity superpower attack has a chance to induce a shock effect that the target fails to defend.

  • Moe attribute: Over 200 attributes that affect the battle. Eg. If the character has an unhappy temperament, it gets buff in unhappy conditions.

Last updated